Search and Browse: 05. Advanced Filtering

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Filter options are located in the bottom left (Object Navigation) side of the application window. They can be saved and shared for easy replication.

Filtering is preferable to grouping when creating a list of objects that meet multiple criteria. For example, filtering can be based on classification (e.g. brand, product type, organization), but also based on metrics (e.g. posts per day).

  1. From the drop-down menu on the left side of the application window, select your object type of interest (for this example, Brand).

  2. Click on white space in “Filter:” (image 1). Currently, domain-assigned is selected, as indicated by the pink text below the Filter box. Therefore only objects that have been assigned to the currently opened Market Vertical are visible.

  3. To search brands that are related to specific objects, first add those objects to the Related to Objects: window. Objects are related to one another if they are spoken about in similar ways, or mentioned alongside one another. To add objects, click on the white space in the Related to Objects: field of the filter window (image 2).
  4. In the OBJECT PICK window, type the desired object into the search bar at the top of the window. In the example below, ‘moisturizer’ is typed into the search bar

  5. Double-click the object to select it. Once all desired objects are selected, press OK (image 3).

  6. Make sure the including projected box in the filter window is checked. Objects that roll up into other objects are also projected into those objects. For instance, filtering for brands related to moisturizers will also yield brands related to skincare, since moisturizers is projected into skincare.

  7. To filter for posts per day, adjust posts/day in the Volume: field. Slide the bar to the desired minimum or maximum number of posts per day. Click Run Filter to apply all set filters (image 4).

Click OK to exit Filter options.

The resulting list of objects can be added to a worklist and saved for future use.

A filter can be saved by clicking Save Current in the filter window (image 5).

 see also:    Search and Browse: 01. Sorting Lists 
  Search and Browse: 02. List Management & Grouping