Audience Tab: 01. Demographics

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The Audience Tab is home to demographic, psychographic, geographic, and language information about individuals that are posting about the focus object - in this case, Skincare.

Under demographics, there are three main metrics: raw penetration, percentile, and median. Raw percentages indicate the percent of those talking about the focus object that meet the given demographic criterion. However, Instagram skews female, young, and Caucasian, and so do the raw percentages of most objects. Percentiles are essential to provide context for interpreting this data relative to other objects in the same vertical. They aid in understanding how the raw percentage compares to what is typical in the market vertical of interest (e.g. Beauty) (image 1).


The 50th percentile is considered normative on a 0-100 scale. Therefore, if conversations from a certain demographic penetrate the focus object at a rate ranked in the 75th percentile, that means that only 25% (100 - 75) of similarly categorized objects within the vertical (Beauty) are penetrated by that cohort at a higher rate.

For example, about 31.6% of conversations mentioning skincare on Instagram in the 3 months ending in June 2022 came from those ages 21-29. This is ranked in the 37th percentile, meaning 63% (100 - 37) of other similarly categorized objects were more likely to have been talked about by those ages 21-29 in that quarter.

To substitute median for Nielsen-style index or significance, right-click on median and select the desired option (image 2).

Use index to understand the cohort’s share of the focus object’s conversation relative to its share of conversations for similarly categorized objects.

Use significance to understand the rate at which this cohort is talking about the focus object compared to other similarly categorized objects.

In order to sort demographic data by raw penetration, percentile, or median, first ungroup the demographic cohorts by right-clicking on the screen and clicking ‘Group by Category’. Then, click the metric to place the demographic cohorts in descending order (image 3). The menu also includes an option to export demographic data to Excel, or zoom in on demographic cohorts by making sure ‘Show Top Level Only’ is unchecked.


To see how a demographic cohort’s penetration of the focus subject has changed over time, select the cohort and click ‘T’ on the keyboard (image 4). This provides a 26-month timeline displaying how the cohort’s raw penetration of the focus subject has changed over time, how its percentile has changed over time, and more.

 see also:    NEXT ▸▸▸ Audience Tab: 02. Psychographics 
  In the audience tab, why does ethnicity show up when for global when we only get ethnicity data for USA? 
  What is the difference between the index and the percentile?