Choosing a Data Source & Market Vertical

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Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok are viewed separately within the platform because they offer unique insights.

Instagram is best for insights into consumer attitudes and consumption patterns and helps answer:

How do consumers feel about product X?

How are people consuming product X?

What is trending in market Y?

Twitter is best for insights into what is newsworthy and helps answer:

How are people immediately reacting to something in the news?

What is the popular perspective on an issue?

Reddit is best for honest consumer insights and product reviews and helps answer:

What are the in-depth perspectives about product X?

How are people feeling about product X?

TikTok is best for a younger perspective on products and brands that inspire creativity and helps answer:

How are Gen Z consumers talking about product X and/or brand Y?

How are people using product X in creative ways?

What is the brand awareness around brand Y?

To switch between sources, click on the currently selected source displayed in the upper right side of the application window (image 1).


Alternatively, open the market vertical selection screen by clicking on the currently opened vertical displayed at the bottom of the screen (image 2).


Once open, data source can be selected as well as market vertical (image 3).


Data is structured by market vertical, or relevant segments of the market, to allow for precise and actionable benchmarking.