Search and Browse: 03. Filtering Lists

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Lists of objects in the Search and Browse menu can be filtered using the Info Tab.

In the following example, the Info Tab is used to find all of the brands classified in the Moisturizers category.

First, select an object (in this case, Olay) that rolls up into the category of interest (in this case, Moisturizers). An object rolls up into another object if it can be categorized within that object. For example, Olay can be categorized as a Moisturizer brand, and therefore a mention of the brand Olay would be counted as a mention of the product Moisturizer (i.e. Olay ‘rolls up into’ Moisturizer). Double-click the object and navigate to the Info Tab to view the object information (image 1).


Next, from the Search and Browse section of the screen, select the object type of interest for list creation (in this case, Brand) (image 2).


Once the left side of the screen is set to the proper object type, click on the category of interest in the Info Tab and hold down 'F' on the keyboard. Once the 'F' key is pressed, the filter area in the bottom right of Search and Browse will read ‘related to _’ (in this case, Moisturizers) (image 3). The resulting list of the brands will be filtered according to the specified conditions (e.g. all the brands that sell Moisturizer products).


Additionally, lists in the Search and Browse window can be filtered using objects in the window itself. To view all objects (in this case, Brands) similar to another object in the list, select that object and click ‘S’ on the keyboard. In the example below, Dolce & Gabbana was selected and ‘S’ was clicked, therefore the list is composed of all brands similar to Dolce & Gabbana (image 4)

 see also:    NEXT ▸▸▸ Search and Browse: 04. Adding Lists to Clipboard