Trend Analysis: 01. Reading the Basics

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The Trend Analysis function identifies objects that are growing or declining fast over a specific time period (image 1). This is the first step in trend detection.

To set the time period range, single-click on the starting month and drag to the month analysis will end at. For example, to look at trends from December 2021 to June 2022, click on December in 2021 and drag to June in 2022. If selecting a 3-month average, that would average data from October-December in 2021 and Apri-June in 2022. Use the “averaged over” drop-down to adjust the number of months over which data is averaged.

Select the object type, domain, and volume thresholds for the output before clicking the RUN button.

In the above example, we are looking at Beauty brands in the high-medium volume range to see which are experiencing the biggest increases in Beauty conversations, comparing Oct-Dec 2021 to Apr-Jun 2022. The left most column ranks these objects on percent conversation volume change. The second column displays the difference in the number of posts between the two time periods. The bar graph on the right shows the conversation volume of the object trended by month (image 2).


Upon opening Trend Analysis, objects will be sorted by greatest % change over the default selected time period. Adjust this time period to look at 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month change via the buttons on the right side.

The second drop-down compares the two time periods based upon raw volume, or volume within a certain vertical or product type. This can help contextualize the change relative to the performance of the vertical (image 3).


Additionally, right-click on the list of objects to access a variety of options, including showing different metrics for each object or exporting all data to an Excel spreadsheet (image 4).